Leonardo the Drone Book 1

Leonardo the Drone Book 1

Hey gang, I’ve got some great news to share! I’ve illustrated a newly published children’s book,
“The Adventures of Leonardo the Drone: Book 1: Photos from the Sky,”
written by John A. Purdy.

ABOUT THE BOOK – Leah’s love for photography takes a new direction as she learns to take photos from the sky when Leonardo the Drone comes into her life!

Links to Drone Photos & Videos –  As a bonus option, the reader or their parent can point their phone or tablet camera at the embedded QR graphic and a web browser can be launched to show Leonardo’s actual drone photos and videos seen in the book.


Go to the Leonardo the Drone Books website to learn more: https://www.leonardothedronebooks.com.
This is a great holiday gift for kids!

Thanks for considering purchasing this book. – CiN

Here is a sneak peek into my studio and a couple of scenes from the book.

Check out the time lapse video to see how an illustration comes to life.

I take lots of photos for reference when illustrating a book. Usually they are of me standing in different positions to make sure that I have the angles right. This time I also had drone pics to help bring Leonardo to life. These images started on paper and were completed using Procreate on the iPad.

My First InkTober Experience

My First InkTober Experience

What is InkTober your ask…

This October was the first time that I participated in the InkTober Challenge. For those of you not familiar with the challenge, it was originally created by Illustrator Jake Parker – a very talented illustrator and teacher. The challenge was to create an ink illustration every day in the month of October based on a single word prompt. You know me, I love a good challenge, and this was right up my alley. Even though I do a lot of work digitally, I was originally trained in traditional mediums. It felt great getting back to pen and paper again. You can see my whole 31 days below. I’m planning on taking some of these characters and expanding them out to finished pieces of art and possibly new book characters.

If you want a creative challenge or want to expand your craft, you can take online classes at www.SVSlearn.com from Jake and his partners Will Terry and Lee White. I highly recommend this site – I’ve learned a lot from them. So, it is true that you can teach an old dog new tricks 😉 .

Time lapse video of creating “Boris Crumb and his Big Bass Drum”

Time lapse video of creating “Boris Crumb and his Big Bass Drum”

Do you ever wonder where illustrators get their ideas?

I do, and I’m an illustrator! I’m fascinated when an idea for a story comes through me and onto the page. I thought it would be fun to share this time lapse video with you of one of my recent illustrations. You can see as I go through the process that I’m constantly changing and tweaking elements until I get that final image. Usually it is done when that little voice inside yells “Stop, you’ve done enough…go to bed!”

Hope you enjoy a little peak into how I work through an illustration.